All things start with or count down to the number 0. Midnight is considered 00:00. The fourth quarter of Game 7 of the NBA Finals ends at 00:00. Natural numbers start with 0 - not 1. While many things start with 1 (chapter 1 of a Book, level 1 of a building - or of a video game), it’s truly the number 0 that is the unnoticed reference point for many things in life - whether it signifies the start or the end.
Much like the number 0, the goal with this release is to set a reference point for releases to come. What will the brand look like? What message is the brand representing? With Chapter 0, logos, color schemes, and intricate details that will be seen from here on out are introduced. Chapter 0 attempts to drive home the positive mentality that we all should strive to exhibit on a daily basis. The "H" on the chest, with the plus sign incorporated into the letter, serves as the brand's monogram. The brand name on the back serves as an introduction to the brand for those who wish to follow along and be a Heysayer, rather than a naysayer. Lastly, the embroidered quote serves as a reminder to ask others how they are doing and to genuinely mean it. The embroidery also serves as a reminder to ask oneself how they are doing, and to take the time to evaluate what one needs to do in order to positively impact others, as well as themselves. Wear the quote on your sleeve and simultaneously live the Heysayer way.
Chapter 0 is available NOW.